Hi! 👋🏻
Mi name is Juan Méndez.
I'm a passionate and curious engineer. I love learning new things and putting my knowledge into practice. I consider myself a senior learner and junior at everything.
Throughout my career, I have worked with various technologies and tools. I have over 4 years of experience in the technology field, and I'm always looking for new challenges. Building products that help people is my passion.
My expertise is in growth, marketing, data analytics, web development, game development, and more. I built this website to share my knowledge and experiences. You can support me by buying me a coffee or contacting me to discuss interesting projects.
I'm currently working as a web developer and also have a degree in mechanical engineering.
What am I thinking?
I write about my experiences, learnings, and thoughts. My purpose with this blog is to help people like you learn new things through my own experiences. As I mentioned before, I'm not an expert in anything, but I'm passionate about learning and sharing.
Top 5 Tips for writing code in Webflow
In my experience, writing code in Webflow is not comfortable, but it's necessary to personalize your website. Here are some tips to make it easier (based on my personal experience).
How to Automate Article Reading Time Calculation on Webflow
Discover how to enhance your website's user experience by calculating article reading time on Webflow using JavaScript. This simple and effective method will engage your audience.
What am I doing?
Here are some of the projects I've worked on. Each project has a link to the live demo and some learnings I had while building it.